‘The Historical Foundations of Symbolic Interactionism’. Pp.27-48 in Brekhus, W.H., De Gloma, T. and Force, W.R., eds., The Oxford Handbook of Symbolic Interaction, Oxford University Press, New York, 2023.
‘The Sociology of Epidemics and Pandemics’. Pp.455-473 in Petersen, A. ed., Handbook of the Sociology of Health and Medicine, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2023..
‘Pandemics’. Pp. 237-242 in Dew, K. and Donovan, S. eds, Encyclopedia of Health Research in the Social Sciences, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2023.
‘Children’s Rights in Pandemic England; The Case of Vaccination’. Pp. 757-771 in Scherpe, J. and Gilmore, S. eds, Family Matters – Essays in Honour of John Eekelaar, Intersentia, Cambridge, 2022.
‘Pandemics and Epidemics’. Pp. 3-9 in Monaghan, L.F. and Gabe, J., eds., Key Concepts in Medical Sociology, 3rd edition. Sage, London, 2022.
(R.Dingwall and C. Menkel-Meadow) ‘Negotiating against a Script’. Pp. 219-24 in Schneider, A.K. and Honeyman, C., eds. Negotiation Essentials for Lawyers, ABA Book Publishing, Chicago, 2019.
‘From “Is” to “Ought”: A Pragmatist Sociology and Moral Science’. Pp. 77-90 in Misheva, V. and Blasko, A., eds., Jane Addams’ Sociology and the Spirit of Social Entrepreneurship, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis Studia Sociologica Upsaliensis 65, Uppsala, Sweden, 2018.
‘Introduction’. Pp.ix-xxv in Peneff, J. Howard S. Becker: Sociology and Music in the Chicago School, (translator and editor R. Dingwall) Routledge, London 2018.
‘Research ethics and the Nuremberg Trials’. Pp. 00 in Poff, D.C. and Michalos, A.C., eds., Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics, Cham, Switzerland: Springer. (in press 2018) Preview at doi:10.1007/978-3-319-23514-1_47-1
(C. Menkel-Meadow and R.Dingwall) ‘Scripts: What to Do When Big Bad Companies Won’t Negotiate’. Pp. 711-24 in Schneider, A.K. and Honeyman, C., eds. The Negotiator’s Fieldbook, DRI Press, St Paul, MN, 2017
G. Miller and R. Dingwall, ‘When the play’s in the wrong theater’. Pp. 667-81 in Schneider, A.K. and Honeyman, C., eds. The Negotiator’s Fieldbook, DRI Press, St Paul, MN, 2017.
(R. Dingwall, R. Iphofen, J. Lewis, J. Oates, N. Emmerich) ‘Towards Common Principles for Social Science Research Ethics: A Discussion Document for the Academy of Social Sciences’. Pp. 111-23 in Advances in Research Ethics and Integrity, Volume 1: Finding Common Ground: Consensus in Research Ethics Across the Social Sciences, Emerald Publishing, Bingley, 2017
(R. Dingwall and S. Frost) ‘Introduction’ and ‘Conclusion’. Pp. 1-15 and 138-44 in Dingwall, R. and Frost, S. eds. Health and Safety in a Changing World, Routledge, London, 2017.
‘The ecological metaphor in the sociology of occupations and professions’. Pp.31-48 in Liljegren, A. and Saks, M. Professions and Metaphors: Understanding Professions in Society, London: Routledge, 2016.
‘The Social Costs of Ethics Regulation.’ Pp. 25-42 in van den Hoonaard, W. and Hamilton A., eds, Ethics Rupture: Exploring Alternatives to Formal Research-Ethics Review. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2016.
‘Reductionism, Holism, and Consumerism: The Patient in Contemporary Medicine.’ Pp.110-29 in Davis, J.E. and González, A. M., eds, To Fix or To Heal: Patient Care, Public Health and the Limits of Biomedicine. New York: New York University Press, 2016.
(R. Dingwall and Mary Byrne McDonnell) Introduction and Conclusion. Pp 1- 20 and 604-16 in R. Dingwall and Mary Byrne McDonnell, eds., Sage Handbook of Research Management. London: Sage, 2015.
‘Formality in the Interactional Study of Organizations.’ Pp. 19-34 in Mica, A., Winczorek, J. and Wisniewski, R., eds, Sociologies of Formality and Informality. Oxford: Peter Lang, 2015.
Six entries in (Co-editor with W.C. Cockerham, R.Dingwall and S. Quah) The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Health, Illness, Behavior & Society (5 volumes) Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, 2014: Biosociety and Genetics; Medical Sociology and Genetics (Revision of 68); Pharmacists; Professional Ethics and Accountability; Socialized Medicine; Vital Statistics.
(J.P. Williams and R. Dingwall) “Symbolic Interaction.” Pp. 722-26 in Craig Forsyth and Heith Copes, eds., Encyclopedia of Social Deviance. Sage: Thousand Oaks, CA, 2014.
‘How did we ever get into this mess? The rise of ethical regulation in the social sciences’. Pp. 3-25 in Love, K. ed., Studies in Qualitative Methodology; Vol 12; Ethics in Social Research. Emerald: Bingley, 2012.
(M. Goulden and R. Dingwall) ‘Managing the Future? Models, Scenarios and the Control of Uncertainty’. Pp. 9-37 in Ryley, T. and Chapman, L., eds., Transport and Climate Change. Emerald: Bingley, 2012.
‘Symbolic Interaction’. Pp. 974-5 in Kaldis, B, ed., Encyclopedia of Philosophy and the Social Sciences. Sage: Thousand Oaks, CA, 2013.
(P. Martin and R. Dingwall) ‘Medical Sociology and Genetics’. Pp. 511-29 in Cockerham, W.C., ed., The New Blackwell Companion to Medical Sociology, Wiley-Blackwell: Oxford, 2009.
‘The Inevitability of Professions’. Pp. 71-85 in Currie, G., Ford, J, Harding, N. and Learmonth, M., eds., Making Public Services Management Critical, Routledge: London, 2009.
‘Defence of Claims’. Pp. 301-2 in Cane, P and Conaghan, J., eds., The New Oxford Companion to Law, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008.
‘Medical Sociology and Genetics’. Pp. 2937-41 in Ritzer, G., ed., Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, Oxford: Blackwell, 2007. Abridged version in Ritzer, G. and Ryan, J.M., eds., The Concise Encyclopedia of Sociology, Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011. Updated version in Ritzer, G., ed., Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology (2nd edition), Oxford: Wiley Blackwell, forthcoming.
‘Sociology of Law’. Pp. 2560-4 in Ritzer, G., ed., Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, Oxford: Blackwell, 2007.
(E. Riska, E. Annandale and R. Dingwall) ‘Health Sociology: Conflict, Competition, Cooperation’. Pp.124-39 in Denis, A. and Kalekin-Fishman, D., eds., The ISA Handbook in Contemporary Sociology: Conflict, Competition, Cooperation, Sage, London, 2009.
(P. Martin, A. Smart and R. Dingwall) ‘Potential Social and Ethical Issues Raised by the Development of Pharmacogenomics’. Pp. 51-64 in Hall, I.P. and Pirmohamed, M., eds. Pharmacogenetics, Informa Healthcare, London, 2006.
‘Intelligent Design Creationism’. Pp. in Finkelman, P., ed., Encyclopaedia of American Civil Liberties, Routledge, New York, 2006.
R. Dingwall and C. Menkel-Meadow, ‘The Last Plane Out…’. Pp. 687-95 in Schneider, A.K. and Honeyman, C., eds. The Negotiator’s Fieldbook, American Bar Association, Washington, DC, 2006.
G. Miller and R. Dingwall, ‘When the play’s in the wrong theater’. Pp. 47-54 in Schneider, A.K. and Honeyman, C., eds. The Negotiator’s Fieldbook, American Bar Association, Washington, DC, 2006.
(R. Dingwall, B. Nerlich and S. Hillyard) ‘Biological Determinism and its Critics: Some Lessons from History’. Pp. 17-34 in Ellison, G et al. eds., The Nature of Difference: Science, Society and Human Biology, London: Taylor and Francis 2006. (A version of paper 79)
(R. Dingwall and P. Hobson-West) ‘Law and Medicine’. Pp. 40-61 in Gabe, J, Kelleher, D. and Williams, G., eds., Challenging Medicine, London: Routledge 2005. (A completely revised version of 33)
(R. Dingwall and T. Strangleman) ‘Organizational Culture’. Pp. 468-90 in Ferlie, E., Lynn, L. E. and Pollitt, C., eds., Oxford Handbook of Public Management. New York: Oxford University Press, 2005.
(G. Miller, R.Dingwall and E Murphy) ‘Using qualitative data and analysis: reflections on organizational research’. Pp. 324‑ 40 in Silverman, D., ed., Qualitative Research: Theory, Method and Practice, Second Edition, London, Sage 2004.
(B. Nerlich and R.Dingwall) ‘Deciphering the human genome: the semantic and ideological foundations of genetic and genomic discourse’. Pp. 395‑428 in Dirven, R., Frank, R. and Pütz, M, eds., Cognitive Models in Language and Thought: Ideology, Metaphors and Meanings, Berlin, Walter de Gruyter, 2003.
‘Scientific misconduct as organizational deviance’. Pp. 311‑ 20 in Steneck, N. and Scheetz, M.D,, eds., Investigating Research Integrity: Proceedings of the First ORI Research Conference of Research Integrity, Washington, DC, Department of Health and Human Services, 2002. Also available at
(R. Dingwall and P. Martin) ‘Implications of genetic advances for equity in health’. Pp. 43‑45 in Oliver, A., Cookson, R. and McDaid, D., The Issues Panel for Equity in Health: The Discussion Papers, London, The Nuffield Trust, 2002.
‘Bioethics’. Pp. 161‑80 in Pilnick, A., Genetics and Society: An Introduction, Milton Keynes, Open University Press, 2002.
‘Ethnomethodology and Law’. Pp. 227‑44 in Benazar, R. and Travers, M., eds., Introduction to Law and Social Theory, Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2002.
‘Divorce mediation as a social movement ’. Pp. 177‑92 in Sottomayor, M.C. and Tomé, M. J., Direito da Família e Política Social, Publicações Universidade Católica, Porto 2001.
(R. Dingwall, WLF Felstiner and T. Durkin) ‘Time, Legal Culture and Legal Process’. Pp.95‑116 in van Hoy, J., ed., Legal Professions: Work, Structure and Organization, Elsevier, Oxford, 2001.
(E. Murphy and R. Dingwall) ‘The ethics of ethnography’. Pp.339‑51 in Atkinson, P., Coffey, A., Delamont, S., Lofland, L. and Lofland, J.,eds., Handbook of Ethnography Sage, London 2001. Paperback edition 2007. Reprinted in J. Scott-Jones, ed., Research Ethics in Context, Sage, London 2015.
(E. Murphy and R. Dingwall) ‘Qualitative methods in health technology assessment’. Pp. 166‑78 in Stevens, A., Abrams, K.R., Brazier, J., Fitzpatrick, R. and Lilford, R.J., eds., Advanced Handbook in Evidence Based Healthcare, Sage, London 2001.
‘Law, society and the new genetics ’, Pp.159‑176 in Freeman, M. and Lewis, A., eds., Current Legal Issues 3: Law and Medicine, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2000.
‘Divorce mediation as a social movement ’. Pp.361‑70 in van Loon, F. and van Aeken, K., eds., 60 maal recht en 1 maal wijn: rechtssociologie, sociale problemen en justitieel beleid. Liber Amicorum prof. Dr. Jean van Houtte, Acco, Leuven, 1999.
(D. Greatbatch and R. Dingwall) ‘Professional neutralism in family mediation’. Pp. 271‑292 in Sarangi, S, and Roberts, C., eds. Talk, Work and Institutional Order: Discourse in Medical, Mediation and Management Settings, Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter 1999.
(E. Murphy and R.Dingwall) ‘Qualitative methods in health services research’. Pp. 129‑138 in Black, N., Brazier, J., Fitzpatrick, R., and Reeves, B. (eds) Methods for Health Care Services Research, London: BMJ Publications, London, 1998.
(D. Greatbatch and R. Dingwall) ‘Talk and identity in divorce mediation’. Pp. 121‑132 in Antaki, C. and Widdicombe, S., eds. Identities in Talk, Sage, London, 1998.
‘Anselm Strauss: A British Memoir’. Pp. 13‑15 in Denzin, N.K., ed. Studies in Symbolic Interaction, Vol 21, JAI Inc., Greenwood, Ct., 1997.
‘The moral discourse of interactionism’. Pp. 198‑205 in Miller, G. and Dingwall, R., eds. Context and Method in Qualitative Research, Sage, London, 1997.
‘Accounts, interviews and observations’. Pp. 51‑65 in Miller, G. and Dingwall, R, eds. Context and Method in Qualitative Research, Sage, London, 1997. Reprinted in Smart, B., Peggs, K. and Burridge, J. Observation Methods, Sage, London 2013.
(R Dingwall and D. Greatbatch) ‘What is mediation an alternative to?’. Pp. 452‑ 461 in Meulders‑Klein, M‑T, ed. Familles & Justice, Bruylant, Brussels/ Librarie Générale de Droit et Jurisprudence, Paris, 1997.
‘Divorce mediation ‑ market failure and regulatory capture’. Pp.43‑51 in Hanlon, G. and Halpern, S., eds., Liberating Professions, Shifting Boundaries, Institute for the Study of the Legal Profession, University of Sheffield, 1997.
(R. Dingwall and T. Durkin) ‘Time management and procedural reform: some organizational questions for Lord Woolf’. Pp. 372‑92 in Zuckerman, A.A.S. and Cranston, R., eds., Reform of Civil Procedure: Essays on `Access to Justice’ , Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1995.
(R. Dingwall and P. Fenn) ‘Risk management: financial implications’. Pp. 73‑87 in Vincent, C., ed., Clinical Risk Management, BMJ Publications, London, 1995.
‘Le verouillage du marché: les pharmacies anglaises dans la course à la licence 1794‑1868’. Pp. 15‑22 in Lasselain, J, ed. Profession Pharmacien: Le Regard des Sciences Sociales, Edition Imhotep Médecine Sciences, Paris, 1995.
(R. Dingwall and E. Wilson) ‘Is pharmacy really an “incomplete profession”?’. Pp. 111‑28 in Holstein, J.A. and Miller, G., eds., Perspectives on Social Problems: Vol.7 JAI Inc., Greenwood, CT, 1995.
(R. Dingwall and D. Greatbatch) `Divorce mediation ‑ the virtues of formality?’. Pp. 391‑99 in Eekelaar, J.M. and Maclean, M., eds., Oxford Readings in Socio‑Legal Studies: Family Law, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1994.
‘Law and Medicine’. Pp. 46‑64 in Gabe, J, Kelleher, D. and Williams, G., eds., Challenging Medicine, Routledge, London, 1994.
‘Dilemmas of Family Policy in Liberal States’. Pp. 53‑66 in Maclean, M. and Kurczewski, J., eds., Families, Politics and the Law: Perspectives for East and West Europe, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1994.
(R. Dingwall and D. Greatbatch) `The interactive construction of interventions by mediators’. Pp. 84‑109 in Folger, J and Jones, T, eds., New Directions in Mediation: Communication Research and Perspectives, Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA, 1994.
‘Negligence litigation and the practice of midwifery’. Pp. 172‑184 in Alexander, J., Levy, V. and Roch, S., eds, Midwifery Practice: Further Advances, Macmillan Education, Basingstoke, 1993.
‘Don’t mind him ‑ he’s from Barcelona: qualitative methods in health studies’. Pp. 161‑75 in Daly, J., McDonald, I. and Willis, E., eds., Researching Health Care, Routledge, London, 1992.
(P. Fenn and R. Dingwall) `The tort system and information: some comparisons between the UK and the US’. Pp. 11‑25 in Dingwall, R. and Fenn, P. eds, Quality and Regulation in Health Care: International Experiences, Routledge, London 1992.
(R. Dingwall and P. Fenn) `Introduction’. Pp. 1‑10 in Dingwall, R. and Fenn, P. eds, Quality and Regulation in Health Care: International Experiences, Routledge, London 1992.
‘Legal influences on clinical practice’. Pp 31‑39 in Chamberlain, G.V. and Zander, L., eds, Pregnancy Care in the 1990s: the establishment of appropriate policies, Royal Society of Medicine, London, April 1991, Parthenon Publishing, Carnforth, 1992.
‘Family policy and the liberal state’. Pp. 61‑72 in Otto, H‑U. and Flösser, G., eds., How to Organize Prevention: Political, Organizational and Professional Challenges to Social Services, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, 1992.
(R. Dingwall and K.M. Robinson) “Policing the family? Health visiting and the public surveillance of private behavior”. Pp. 253‑273 in Gubrium, J. and Sankar, A., eds., The Home Care Experience: Ethnography and Policy, Sage: Newbury Park, CA, 1990. Reprinted in an abridged version in OU Reader, Health and Wellbeing, Macmillan, London, 1992.
“Divorce mediation: a case study in the application of frame analysis”. Pp. 141‑168 in Kurczewski, J. and Czynczyk, A. A., eds., Family, Gender and Body in Law and Society Today, Sociology of Custom and Law Department, Institute of Applied Social Sciences, University of Warsaw, 1990.
(with T. Durkin and W.L.F. Felstiner) `Plaited Cunning: Manipulating Time in Asbestos Litigation’, ABF Working Paper #9004, American Bar Foundation, Chicago, 1990.
(P. Fenn and R. Dingwall) ‘The Problems of Crown Indemnity’. Pp. in Gretton, J, ed., Health Care UK 1989, Policy Journals, Birmingham, 1990.
‘Some problems about predicting child abuse and neglect’. Pp. 28‑53 in Stevenson, O., ed., Child Abuse: Public Policy and Professional Practice, Wheatsheaf, Brighton, 1989. Translated into Spanish as ‘Algunos Problemas en la Predicción del Abandono y los Malos Tratos a Menores’. Pp. 39‑62 in Stevenson, O., ed., La Atención al Niño Maltratado, Ediciones Paidós, Barcelona, 1992.
(P.M. Strong and R. Dingwall) ‘Romantics and Stoics’. Pp. 49‑69 in Silverman, D. and Gubrium, J., eds., The Politics of Field Research, Sage, London, 1989.
‘Medicine and Law: a theoretical approach’. Pp. 71‑77 in Dingwall R., ed., Socio-Legal Aspects of Medical Practice, Royal College of Physicians, London, 1989.
‘Labelling children as abused or neglected’. Pp. 158‑164 in Stainton Rogers, W., Hevey, D. and Ash, E. eds., Child Abuse: An Introduction, Batsford, London, 1989.
(R. Dingwall and J.M. Eekelaar) ‘Divorce procedure: a wider vision?’. Pp. 168‑182 in Dingwall, R. and Eekelaar, J.M. eds., Divorce Mediation and the Legal Process: British Practice and International Experience, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1988.
‘Empowerment or enforcement? Some questions about power and control in divorce mediation’. Pp.150‑167 in Dingwall, R. and Eekelaar, J.M., eds., Divorce Mediation and the Legal Process: British Practice and International Experience, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1988.
(J.M. Eekelaar and R. Dingwall) ‘The development of conciliation in England’. Pp.3‑22 in Dingwall, R. and Eekelaar, J.M. eds., Divorce Mediation and the Legal Process: British Practice and International Experience, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1988.
(R. Dingwall and S. Fox) ‘Health visitors’ and social workers’ perceptions of child care problems’. Pp. 179‑188 in While, A., ed., Research in Preventive Community Nursing Care, John Wiley, Chichester, 1986. Reprinted in Abbott, P. and Sapsford, R., eds., Research into Practice: A Reader for Nurses and the Caring Professions, Open University Press, Buckingham, 1992.
(R. Dingwall and J.M. Eekelaar) ‘Judgements of Solomon: psychology and family law’. Pp. 55‑73 in Richards, M.P.M. and Light, P., eds., Children of Social Worlds: Development in a Social Context. Polity Press, Cambridge and Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1986. Reprinted in Training Pack: The Welfare of the Child: Assessing Evidence in Children Cases, The Magistrates Association, London, 1994.
(R. Dingwall and J.M. Eekelaar) ‘Rethinking child protection’. Pp. 93‑114 in Freeman, M.D.A., ed., State, Law and the Family, Tavistock, London, 1984.
‘Child protection in its social and legal context: a comment on Sutton and Moss’, Pp. 70‑78 in Lloyd-Bostock, S., ed., Children and the Law, SSRC Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, Oxford, 1984.
(P.M. Strong and R. Dingwall) ‘The limits of negotiation in formal organisations’. Pp. 98‑116 in Gilbert, G.N. and Abell, P., eds., Accounts and Action, Gower, Aldershot, 1983.
(T. Murray, R. Dingwall and J.M. Eekelaar) ‘Professionals in bureaucracies: lawyers in local government’, Pp.195‑223 in Dingwall, R. and Lewis, P.S.C., eds., The Sociology of the Professions: Lawyers, Doctors and Others, Macmillan, London 1983.
‘Introduction’. Pp.1‑18 in Dingwall, R. and Lewis, P.S.C., eds., The Sociology of the Professions: Lawyers, Doctors and Others, Macmillan, London 1983.
(R. Dingwall, G. Payne and J. Payne) ‘The Development of Ethnography in Britain’, SSRC Centre for Socio-Legal Studies Occasional Paper, Oxford, 1980.
‘Problems of teamwork in primary care’. Pp. 111‑137 in Lonsdale, S., Webb, A. and Briggs, T., eds., Teamwork in Personal Social Services and Health Care, Croom Helm, London and Syracuse University Press, Syracuse, NY, 1980. Reprinted in Clare, A.W. and Corney, R., Social Work and Primary Health Care, Academic Press, London, 1982.
‘The place of men in nursing’. Pp. 199- 209 in Colledge, M. and Jones, D., eds., Readings in Nursing, Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, 1979.
‘Inequality and the National Health Service’. Pp. 14‑33 in Atkinson, P., Dingwall, R. and Murcott, A., eds., Prospects for the National Health, Croom Helm, London, 1979.
(Jean McIntosh and R. Dingwall) ‘Teamwork in theory and practice’. Pp. 118‑134 in Dingwall, R. and McIntosh, J., eds., Readings in the Sociology of Nursing , Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, 1979.
(R. Dingwall and Jean McIntosh) ‘Introduction’. Pp. 1‑15 in Dingwall, R. and McIntosh, J., eds., Readings in the Sociology of Nursing, Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, 1979.