


Podcast on the Covid Inquiry

Discussion with Iain Martin and Alastair Benn about the early stages of the UK Covid Inquiry and what it has revealed about the management of the pandemic

Prof. Robert Dingwall on Fear, Trust, & the Sociology of Pandemics

Interview with Dr Jennie Bristow for Collateral Global.

Talking about Methods: Observation

Interview with Linda Mulcahy for Frontiers of Socio-Legal Studies (Audio only)

Sketch Notes on a Pandemic

Interview with Lucy Johnston

Pandemic sociology and why it matters

Royal Society of Medicine Webinar

Science, Society and Policy in the Face of Uncertainty
BSA MedSoc Virtual Conference, 10 September 2020 by Jen Remnant, Graham Martin, Robert Dingwall and Esmee Hanna.

A discussion of knowledge and policy in the context of Covid-19 pandemic management.

The ‘New Normal’: Webinar with Culture, Mind & Brain group, McGill University

A group of social scientists and psychiatrists discuss what society might look like beyond the pandemic.

Sociology and Pandemics: Questions from students at Nassau Community College

Students in a class taught by Professor Brian Hoeft at Nassau Community College, Garden City, NY asked questions in May 2020 about how we might think as sociologists about the current Covid-19 pandemic. These are my responses.

LIFTING THE LOCKDOWN: Balancing health and wealth for TRT World [Turkey]

Who’s to say what’s right and wrong in these strange coronavirus times? But what’s clear is that the longer any lockdowns last, the more jobs are lost. You may be healthy, but hurt. When is it the right time to loosen the shackles?

Coronavirus for Arriang TV [South Korea]

Discussion of social and psychological impact of coronavirus

Coronavirus for PBS

Contribution to PBS story on UK responses to coronavirus

Coronavirus for Euronews

Commentary for Euronews on self-isolation as a response to the coronavirus outbreak, prompted by the cluster of cases in Italy. For commercial use refer to the copyright owner.

Robert Dingwall on NOW from Robert Dingwall on Vimeo.

Coronavirus in China

Commentary for CGTN – Chinese TV’s Global English network – on international responses to the early stages of the coronavirus outbreak. For commercial use refer to the copyright owner.

CGTV Coronavirus from Robert Dingwall on Vimeo.

Blankensee Colloquium | Robert Dingwall: Video Data–21st Century Methods and 20th Century Thinking

An invited presentation given in Berlin in June 2019. During the two-day workshop, the group shared their perspectives on the potentials and challenges of videos and other visual data, automation through software, and ethical concerns.

The Impact of Social Media on Friendship

Commentary for Press TV about whether social media are having an impact on the nature of friendship. Is it becoming shallower? More transient?

The Impact of Social Media on Friendship from Robert Dingwall on Vimeo.

Modern Day Racism

Commentary for Press TV about racism in the contemporary world

Modern Day Racism from Robert Dingwall on Vimeo.

Celebrity Culture and its Influence on Consumer Behaviour

Commentary for Press TV about the use and impact of celebrity endorsements in consumer advertising

Celebrity Culture and its Influence on Consumer Behaviour from Robert Dingwall on Vimeo.

Globalization and Local Cultures

Commentary for Press TV about the interactions between contemporary global society and local cultural traditions

Globalization and Local Cultures from Robert Dingwall on Vimeo.

Alternative Medicine

Commentary for Press TV on the contemporary demand for alternative medicine and the drivers for this.


Alternative Medicine from Robert Dingwall on Vimeo.

Robot Care for the Elderly

Are robots part of the solution for the increasing need to provide care and companionship for ageing populations? Commentary for Press TV.

Robot care for the elderly from Robert Dingwall on Vimeo.

Privacy in a Cashless Society

Commentary for Press TV on the pressures to move towards a cashless society and the problems that may result from this.

Cashless society from Robert Dingwall on Vimeo.

Declining Trust in the Modern World

Commentary for Press TV on the role of trust in modern societies.

Trust from Robert Dingwall on Vimeo.

Why I am (not) a Symbolic Interactionist

My Plenary Address from the 8th Conference of the European Society for the Study of Symbolic Interactionism in Lòdz, Poland, 6 July 2017.

This is not my greatest performance – the first 10-15 minutes are affected by a bad reaction to monosodium glutamate in the soup at lunchtime and I forgot to use the PowerPoint slides! I am also wrongly credited with an affiliation at the University of Nottingham.

The Crisis of Moral Values in Modern Life

Commentary for Press TV about the claims that moral values have declined in modern life – spoiler alert – I am rather sceptical.

Moral Decline from Robert Dingwall on Vimeo.

Social Science and Ebola

In an interview for an Argentine TV channel (in English with subtitles), Robert Dingwall discusses the neglect of social science in responses to the 2015 Ebola outbreak in West Africa and the human consequences.

Interview with Peter M Hall for Symbolic Interaction

Peter M Hall, who died in December 2017, was a leading figure in the interactional study of organizations. I interviewed him at the 2015 SSSI meetings in San Francisco. The interview is posted here as a tribute to a fine scholar who was much loved by all those who knew him.