21 May 2020
2:00 Samuel Veissière (McGill): Introductory remarks on the
‘infodemic’, the role of the Internet, and pre-existing social pathologies
2:15 Cécile Rousseau (McGill): Symptoms – Virtue – War
2:30 Stefan Ecks (Edinburgh): The importance of social science
in pandemic epidemiology
2:45 Robert Dingwall (Nottingham Trent): The three social
pandemics: fear, explanation and action
3:00 – 3:15 Break
3:15 Samuele Collu (McGill): The zoomification of everyday life
3:30 Vincent Laliberté (McGill / Jewish General Hospital):
The mental health consequences of social isolation
3:45 Daniel Frank (Jewish General Hospital): Some
psychoanalytic reflections on the plague and its impact
4:00 Laurence Kirmayer (McGill / Jewish General Hospital):
Science and sanity: Social epistemology in the time of pandemic
4:15 – 4:50 Elizaveta Solomonova (McGill): Discussants’ concluding
remarks and Q&A moderation
Video available through https://www.dingwallenterprises.co.uk/videos/